Calendar icon February 6, 2023

How Do I Know What Air Filter To Buy?

Pleated filter? Fiberglass filter? Electrostatic filter? Which one is for me?


Pop quiz. What is the best way to rid your indoor air of pollutants like mold, pollen, and bacteria?

  1. Napalm your entire home
  2. Walk around the house waving a disinfecting wipe through the air
  3. Vacuum the air with a shop vac
  4. Purchase the right air filter

If you chose D, you are correct. If you chose any other option, then we need to have a separate conversation.

An air filter plays a critical role in keeping the air in your home clean. In fact, it’s the most important item to your home’s air that you can purchase, and since your indoor air can be up to five times more polluted than the air outside (and no one likes breathing pollutants), you need a high-quality air filter.

There are a lot of different varieties of air filters that you can purchase. Given that the average person ranks air filters right around different types of cement and how cardboard is made on the list of things that interest them, it’s not surprising that many don’t know what makes a quality air filter “quality.”

Luckily, all you have to do is read this one article, and you’ll have the answer to that question. Then all you have to do is sign up for Second Nature once, and you’ll never have to think about some air filters ever again.

What type of air filter should I get?

Filters can only be made so many ways. For home filters, you have three options. You can buy a pleated filter, you can buy a fiberglass filter, or you can buy a washable reusable filter. Each type has its disadvantages, and two of them have their advantages, so let’s take a closer look at what those are.


Pleated filters get their name from their filter media, which is the material inside the frame that is responsible for the actual filtering. A pleated filter’s media is folded like an accordion to maximize surface area. Previously made of cotton, the pleated filters of today are built with synthetic polymers that allow for effective filtering while minimizing the impact on airflow.

The advantages of pleated filters include their high filtering efficiency. High MERV filters are almost always of the pleated variety. The pleated filters work to capture an extremely high percentage of large particles and a much higher number of small particles than competing filter types.

Pleated filters are low effort and high functionality. The only thing you ever have to do is remember to change them out, and they’ll keep pulling gunk out of your air.


Fiberglass air filters are the cheapest on the market, sometimes costing less than a single dollar. There is a reason they are so cheap, and it is because they are garbage. Yes, fiberglass filters are garbage. Fiberglass filters are the weakest option and are recommended by the National Air Filtration Association only as “prefiltering” devices because of how ineffective they are. Simply put, they are bad at their job.

There’s a myth that fiberglass filters are better for your HVAC system because they allow for more airflow. While they do allow for that, advancements in HVAC and filter technology have made the difference immaterial. The extensive amount of pollutants they allow to flow through can actually make them more dangerous to your system than the pleated variety.

The reason why fiberglass is often recommended is that people don’t remember to change their filter. As a pleated filter loads with pollutants, it can eventually decrease airflow to a critically low amount. Fiberglass doesn’t do this because of how woefully ineffective it is at actually catching particles. So as long as you’re regularly changing your filters, there is not a single advantage to the fiberglass option.

Washable Electrostatic

Washable electrostatic filters are metal-frame filters that are designed to be washed and reused instead of replaced. The price range for these is wide, with the most expensive ones entering the $90 range.

The advantage with these filters is their longevity. While they do eventually wear out, they can be reused for multiple years before that happens. The disadvantage is that you do need to wash them routinely and let them dry completely before reinserting. This can eat into your busy schedule as they don’t dry instantly, and if your washable filter doesn’t fully dry, mold growth can be a real issue.

Washable filters also do a poor job collecting large particles. Because static electricity is really the only filtering mechanism they use, they struggle to attract the larger particles that are more difficult to pull with a charge. Thus, washable filters tend to work in reverse of fiberglass as they let larger particles through and filter out smaller ones.

What quality of filter should I get?

After you know what type of filter is right for you, you need to know what rating is right for you. Filters can be rated on three separate scales. The scale used by us at Second Nature and the official folks at the National Air Filtration Association is the MERV scale, which stands for minimum efficiency reporting value.

The MERV scale runs from 1-16. Second Nature offers filters rated at MERV 8, MERV 11, and MERV 13, which are our Essential, Essential+, and Health Shield, respectively. Anything below an 8 is something that probably shouldn’t be in your home. Anything above a 13 is not necessary except for maybe in an extreme case, which is why we offer the range we do.

Other filter scales include FPR and MPR, which stand for Filter Performance Rating and Microparticle Performance Rating. FPR was a scale developed by The Home Depot for the brands that it sells. The scale ranges from 4-10 and includes a color code for each range. MPR was developed by 3M and, it ranges from 300 to 2800. The scale is based on the filter’s ability to capture particles under 1 micron in diameter and is only found on 3M Filtrete filters.

Here we have provided a conversion chart with MERV vs. FPR vs. MPR so you can understand what you’re getting if you decide to purchase from somewhere that rates their filters with one of those less popular scales.

merv, fpr, and mpr comparison chart

Deciding on what MERV rating is right for your home is a decision that must be made based on a handful of personal factors.

Are you an allergy sufferer?

More than 50 million Americans have some type of allergy. Allergies are everywhere, and if you’re among the millions of Americans who suffer from them, your filter can help you keep those nasty allergens out of your home.

The severity of your allergies will help determine just how critical filtration is for your home. If you have a significant allergy to something that is prominent in your area, you’re going to want to increase your indoor air quality with a Second Nature Health Shield filter (MERV 13) or equivalent level. More minor allergies or allergies to something that doesn’t exist in massive quantities around your home may allow for a drop down to a Essential+ filter (MERV 11).

Do you own pets?

Owning a dog or a cat introduces a whole new threat to your indoor air quality: dander. Dander is small flakes or bits of skin that fall off your furry friend when they shed, and some people are violently allergic to it.

If you are among that group, a Health Shield air filter is a must. Pet dander is small, and a MERV 8 filter is likely not sufficient for you allergy sufferers out there, and that fiberglass nonsense certainly is not. Essential+ and Health Shield will both be effective versus pet dander. If you’re allergic, get the MERV 13 Health Shield. If you’re not allergic, but you own pets, the Essential+ will work well for you.

Do you live in a polluted area?

Air outside your home will become air inside your home. It is inevitable. No matter how much weatherstripping you install or how well-sealed your home is, there will be particles floating around outside that will get inside. This is particularly important to remember if you live in areas that see a lot of air pollution from things like smog. Those of you in California, as you certainly know already, can get hit pretty heavily with photochemical smog in the summer. The state is often also hit with smoke pollution during wildfire season, which also runs through the summer and fall.

The particles that make up smoke are itty-bitty, smaller than a tenth of a micron. For perspective, you would need at least 3,000,000 of those particles lined end to end to equal one foot. If you frequently encounter smoke or smog around your home, a Health Shield (MERV 13) is recommended.

Still not sure what filter to get? Take our short quiz!

  1. Do you have allergies to pollen, dust, mold, or dust mites?

A. Yes, severe allergies (add 2)

  1. Yes, mild allergies (add 1)
  2. No (add 0)
  3. Do you own a dog or cat?
  4. Yes (add 1)
  5. No (add 0)
  6. Are you allergic to pet dander?
  7. Yes (add 1 if answer to #2 is A, 0 if B)
  8. No (Add 0)
  9. Do you live in a polluted area?
  10. Yes, very polluted (Add 2)
  11. Yes, slightly polluted and no smoke or smog pollution (Add 1)
  12. No (Add 0)


What size air filter should I get?

As the saying goes, there are three things you can’t pick: your parents, your name, and your filter size. That’s a real saying that we did not just make up eight seconds ago.

Simply, you need the filter size that fits in your air return. You can typically find that size on the side of the air filter that you already have in use. This size will be the nominal size, which means it is rounded from its actual size. This is the size you click on at

If you don’t have a reference point from an old filter, you’ll need to use a tape measure and measure your vent. These measurements will be the exact size, and you’ll need to add ¼” to both length and width to get the nominal size.

If you have a filter that is four inches thick or thicker, you have a whole house filter. There is no rhyme or reason to how these filter sizes are rounded. Luckily, all you’ll need at is the actual size of the filter.

Buying an air filter isn’t always easy, and knowing what air filter to buy is the hardest part. However, if you have read this far, you’re good. So congratulations! Here’s an air filter gold star. You can print it out and tape it to your shirt if you want. You’ll probably get a lot of strange looks, but that’s not your problem.

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How to Choose Moving Concierge Services: Personal Touch vs. Automated

Moving is a complex process that can feel overwhelming, from organizing packing to coordinating utility setup. For many, moving concierge services offer a much-needed helping hand. But in a world leaning heavily toward automation, does the personal touch still hold value? In today’s post we’ll explore: What moving concierge services are How moving concierge services work Typical cost of moving concierge services Two approaches: personal touch vs. automation The verdict What Are Moving Concierge Services? Moving concierge services, or relocation concierge services, are designed to simplify the resident's experience of moving to a new location. Relocation services often cover everything related to setting up a new space, primarily focusing on utilities such as electricity, gas, water, high-speed internet, and home security systems. The idea is to provide a seamless and stress-free transition for residents, taking the worry out of the moving process. Imagine stepping into a new home with all utilities up and running, with none of the hassles of making multiple calls to various providers. That’s the promise of a moving concierge service. Some even extend to help with additional tasks like finding local service providers, scheduling movers, and more. These services can work in different ways. Some are complimentary offerings that come as part of a resident benefit package provided by property managers, while others might require a fee if handled separately. A complimentary resident move-in concierge service typically partners with utility providers to arrange everything on the resident's behalf. How moving concierge services work Different platforms offer varying methods for assisting residents with specific needs in their move to a new house. In many cases, the service involves scheduling a call or using an online portal to set up utilities. When included in a Resident Benefits Package, the property manager works directly with a concierge service provider to ensure utilities and essential services are ready by move-in day. (Note that Resident Benefits Packages typically include this service.) Residents are often sent a personalized link or receive a phone call, allowing them to schedule a session to handle their utility setup. This process may include collecting information from residents, like current utility account numbers, to streamline the transition to the new address. Cost of concierge moving services without a resident benefits package Without the project management support of a moving concierge service, residents may find themselves spending several hours managing utility setups on their own, across a number of days or weeks. The process can include contacting each provider individually, scheduling installation or activation times, and sometimes dealing with long-distance calls, as well as unexpected last-minute fees, even in cases of local moves. The cost can vary widely depending on location, the number of services needed, and the providers involved. For some, the time and stress alone can feel like a hefty price. Moving concierge srvices offered through Resident Benefits Packages are typically included as part of the package, saving residents both time and money. Two Approaches: Personal Touch vs. Automation When selecting a moving concierge service, there are two primary paths: a personal touch approach or a more automated process. Let’s take a closer look at two high-quality services in this field: Citizens Home Solutions (CHS) and Utility Profit. Citizens Home Solutions (CHS) Citizens Home Solutions (CHS) offers a personalized experience, aiming to make the moving process as smooth as possible. CHS originally started as a phone-assisted service, focusing on creating a higher level of personal interaction. Their survey data indicated that 59% of residents preferred phone calls over completing online forms, underscoring the desire for human interaction in the moving process. Through its partnerships with providers, CHS seamlessly handles the setup of utilities like electricity, gas, water, high-speed internet, and security systems—all free for the resident (as part of the Resident Benefits Package). Their approach involves reaching out to residents through calls or digital means, offering a choice between speaking with a representative or completing an assisted digital workflow. This flexibility ensures that residents who value a personal touch can have it, while those who prefer self-service still have that option. The process with CHS involves receiving move-out reports in advance, allowing them to research and prepare for the resident’s new utility setup. When it’s time to set up utilities, residents receive a personalized link through email or SMS to a mobile-friendly webpage. From there, they can choose to schedule a call or proceed with the digital workflow. CHS then guides them through the setup process, including account management, so everything is ready for move-in day. With over 200,000 residents served, CHS has proven expertise and positions itself as a one-stop solution for utility needs. Their experience shows in their seamless process and attention to the individual needs of each resident. You can call them or use this form to schedule an appointment. Utility Profit Utility Profit takes a different approach by automating most of the process. As a newer company, they offer a streamlined service that directs residents to set up utilities on their own through a dedicated webpage. This method is designed for those who prefer handling things directly, with less involvement from a third party. Residents can navigate the setup process using Utility Profit’s online platform, entering their information, selecting utilities, and submitting their account numbers. While this method can be efficient for tech-savvy individuals who want to manage things independently, it may lack the personal guidance some residents find comforting during a stressful move. The simplicity of Utility Profit’s system can be attractive to those who desire more control over the process. However, for individuals who are not as comfortable navigating these tasks solo, this option may seem daunting. The verdict Both personal touch and automated services have their merits. However, in the realm of moving, where stress and uncertainty often abound, the comfort of having a human on the other end of the line can make a significant difference. Citizens Home Solutions stands out because of its blend of personalized and digital options, offering residents the best of both worlds. With a track record of over 200,000 satisfied residents, CHS has honed its process to cater to individual preferences. Starting as a phone-based service, they recognized the need for a personal touch, particularly during such a life-changing event as moving. Over time, they've adapted by incorporating digital workflows for those who prefer a more hands-off approach, demonstrating a commitment to meeting diverse resident needs. In contrast, Utility Profit offers a viable solution for those who are comfortable with a more automated approach. While this might work for some, the value of CHS lies in its ability to offer guidance and support throughout the move, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks. For many, that extra level of care can transform the moving experience from a daunting task into a smooth transition. Final Thoughts Choosing the right moving concierge service depends on what you value most: personal guidance or streamlined automation. Services like Citizens Home Solutions combine the personal touch with modern digital conveniences, ensuring residents receive tailored support while also accommodating those who prefer to manage things independently. If you're looking for a service that prioritizes a seamless move with a blend of personal and automated options, CHS is worth considering. Their extensive experience and adaptable approach have helped countless residents settle into their new homes with ease. Learn more about what Citizens Home Solutions can offer for your move. For property managers interested in incorporating moving concierge services into their resident benefit package, explore Second Nature’s Resident Benefits Package benefits now.

Calendar icon October 10, 2024

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Benefits of Outsourcing Property Management Services

Property management services have changed by leaps and bounds over the past 5-10 years. And property management outsourcing services have grown along with it. While the traditional approach to property management simply provided the basics – maintenance, rent collection, etc. – entrepreneurial PMs saw a massive gap in that value proposition and have transformed the real estate industry. Now, property management services are increasingly seen as a way to generate value for residents, real estate investors, and property management companies. PMCs are delivering resident benefits like credit reporting, renter’s insurance programs, pet guarantees, and more. And each of these services acts as a value add for everyone involved. But that can also add extra burden and cost to your property management business when your team is already spread thin. One of the best ways to offer value without overextending your team is to outsource some of those PM services to PropTech products, contractors, or a fully managed solution. Today we’re going to talk about this option in more detail. Whether you’re just getting started in property management or a seasoned pro, we hope you’ll find something here to help. Key Learning Objectives: What is outsourced property management? What services add the most value to the resident experience? What property management services are most easily outsourced? What are the costs associated with outsourcing PM services? What are the benefits of outsourcing PM services? What is Outsourced Property Management? Outsourced property management refers to the practice of paying for a third-party company or product to handle certain tasks or operations for your property management company. This could include tasks such as tenant screening, resident benefits, renters insurance programs, rent collection, maintenance and repair coordination, lease enforcement, financial reporting, and more. Property management is, in itself, an outsourced service for real estate investors/property owners. Just as property owners often choose to outsource their property management to save time, reduce stress, and ensure they stay profitable – property management companies may outsource several of their services for the same reasons. Property management outsourcing services, whether PropTech products or fully managed solutions, allow property management companies to build efficiencies and focus on quality and growth. Outsourcing certain services can give residents more of what they need and investors more value for their dollar. What Services Can Property Management Companies Outsource? Advances in technology and innovation within the property management industry have given PMCs greater flexibility in terms of outsourcing key services. As a property manager, you may outsource for a range of reasons. Maybe you’re still building up your team and need cost-effective expertise in a certain area. Maybe you have core products you want to focus on and want certain services to take less of your time. Maybe your investors or residents are asking for out-of-scope services that you can offer for an additional fee. Overall, outsourced property management services can help PMCs save time, reduce stress, and maximize the profitability of their company. So, what are some of the most commonly outsourced property management services? They can be grouped into a few categories: A single-family property management software and integrations that enable all kinds of business operations. Maintenance and repair. Many PMs outsource things like plumbing, HVAC, and other contractor work. Resident benefits and ancillary services. Property managers often outsource value-driving products like an RBP and other services that investors want, and residents will pay for. Let’s dig into the services that might be included within each of those larger categories. Rent collection Third-party payment processing companies can handle the actual collection and processing of rent payments for the PMC. The property management company will provide the payment processing company with the necessary information and details about the residents and the property, including lease terms, payment due dates, and amounts owed. The process may involve various payment methods, such as online payments, credit card payments, ACH transfers, or other payment options. Some popular outsourcing solutions that help collect rent include Buildium, Propertyware, and AppFolio. Second Nature provides a fully managed service that helps ensure your residents pay rent on time. Repair and maintenance Many PMCs outsource repairs and property maintenance. We’ve spoken with experts like Bob Preston, who run their own maintenance companies separately as another source of income and an added value to their clients. When a property management company outsources repair and maintenance, it typically involves hiring third-party contractors or service providers to handle the actual repair, upkeep, and maintenance tasks required for the property. Outsourcing repair and maintenance can offer several benefits for property management companies. You can access a broader range of specialized skills and high-quality expertise, which may not be available in-house, and save time and resources by avoiding the need to recruit and manage in-house staff to handle repair and maintenance tasks. Marketing and advertising Marketing isn’t everyone’s strong suit, and that’s okay! When a property management company outsources marketing and advertising, it typically involves hiring a third-party marketing or advertising agency to handle the promotion and advertising of the rental properties. The agency will work closely with the PMC to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that aligns with the property's unique selling points and target audience. The marketing agency may use a variety of advertising channels and mediums to promote the property, including social media marketing, search engine marketing, online advertising, email marketing, print advertising, and other marketing channels. They may also create engaging content and visuals, such as videos, images, and virtual tours, to showcase the property's features and amenities. Legal Most PMCs outsource their legal services to a third-party law firm or attorney to provide legal advice and representation on various matters related to the property or properties. Legal services that may be outsourced can include lease agreements, evictions, compliance with local and federal laws and regulations, dispute resolution, and other legal matters that may arise in the course of managing the property. Outsourcing legal services helps minimize legal risks and liabilities, ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and protect the property investor’s interests. Accounts and finance Many PMCs outsource to an accounting firm or financial service provider to handle the financial management and reporting. The outsourced firm will work with you to manage financial records, provide financial reporting, and ensure compliance with accounting standards and regulations. Accounting and financial services that may be outsourced can include bookkeeping, financial statement preparation, tax planning and compliance, budgeting and forecasting, and other financial reporting and analysis. Overall, outsourcing accounts and finance can help property management companies to operate more effectively and efficiently and achieve their financial objectives while minimizing financial risks. Insurance PMCs often work with a third-party insurance broker or agent to provide insurance coverage and manage insurance-related issues for the property or properties. The insurance coverage that may be outsourced can include property insurance, liability insurance, workers' compensation insurance, and other types of insurance coverage that may be necessary or recommended for the property. Another way to outsource insurance is to find a service that provides a renters insurance program like Second Nature’s. Ensuring that residents have insurance coverage is a priority for 90% of property managers, but only 41% of residents maintain compliant coverage. At Second Nature, our renters insurance program has 100% compliance. You can learn more about our coverage and fully managed Resident Benefits Package in our 2023 Resident Experience Report. Safety and security Many PMCs outsource to a security company to provide safety and security services. The security company will work closely with the property management company to assess safety and security needs, design and implement safety and security protocols, and provide safety and security personnel and equipment as needed. Security services that may be outsourced can include security personnel, security systems and equipment, safety training and education, emergency response planning and execution, and other safety and security-related services. Costs of Outsourcing Property Management Services? The cost for a PMC to outsource some property management services can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the scope of services required, the complexity of the work, the location of the service provider, and the level of expertise required. Some service providers may charge a flat fee, while others may charge an hourly rate or a percentage of the property's rental income. The cost of outsourcing property management services can range from as low as $1 per property per month to as much as hundreds of thousands of dollars annually, depending on whether it’s a full-service tech solution, simple maintenance services, a Resident Benefits Package, etc. It's important to note that while outsourcing property management services can come with a cost, it can also provide benefits such as increased efficiency, reduced workload, and access to specialized expertise. Before outsourcing any services, it's important to carefully consider the potential costs and benefits and to choose a service provider that offers high-quality services at a reasonable price. Benefits of Outsourced Property Management Services Outsourcing property management services can have a massive impact on your return on investment per door and per client. Outsourcing also helps with scaling when you can’t afford to run every service in-house. With the ability to outsource, you can offer more value to your clients without skyrocketing your operating costs. You can also drive secondary sources of revenue through outsourcing. Not convinced? Let’s go over some of the real-life benefits we’ve seen PMCs leverage with outsourcing select services. Cost savings Outsourcing property management services can save property management companies significant costs associated with hiring and managing in-house staff, as well as investing in technology and infrastructure. Outsourcing can also help to minimize overhead costs, such as office space, equipment, and supplies. Let’s think even bigger. Outsourcing value-generating services like a Resident Benefits Package has multiple benefits: boosting resident satisfaction, incentivizing on-time payments, and reducing vacancy rates. Talk about a cost-saving win! Increased efficiency We’ve seen PMCs use outsourcing to streamline their operations, reduce administrative property management tasks, and increase productivity. This can free up time and resources for property management companies to focus on core business functions and strategic planning. Instead of using your own team for time-consuming tasks, you can outsource them. Access to expertise Outsourcing property management services allows PMCs to access specialized expertise and skills that may not be available in-house. This can include legal, accounting, marketing, and maintenance expertise, among others. Outsourcing can also provide access to the latest technology and software, which can improve efficiency and effectiveness. Better risk management Property management inherently involves risk. You’re managing people’s lives on the one hand (residents) and investments on the other (owners/investors). Outsourcing can help better manage risks associated with property management, such as legal liabilities, compliance issues, and safety and security concerns. This can help protect your company from financial and reputational damage. Improved resident satisfaction You can more seamlessly and reliably improve resident satisfaction by providing better maintenance and repair services, more efficient rent collection, and faster response times to tenant concerns and requests. This can help to increase tenant retention and attract new tenants. Higher employee satisfaction Outsourcing services to a third party is a direct way to impact your employees’ satisfaction. How? Outsourcing helps reduce workload, gives access to better training and development, improves working conditions, and provides a better work-life balance. Often, outsourcing means that your employees get to focus on the core functions that they love instead of getting bogged down in tasks they don’t love or don’t feel equipped for. Factors to Consider When Outsourcing Property Management Back Office Services Selecting the right property management outsourcing services provider is a crucial decision that can significantly impact the efficiency, profitability, and overall success of your property management operations. Here are key factors to consider: 1. Range of services Evaluate the range of services provided by the outsourcing company. Check to make sure they offer the specific services you need, such as rent collection, maintenance, legal support, marketing, financial management, and resident benefits. A comprehensive provider can handle multiple aspects of property management, which can streamline your operations. 2. Industry experience Look for a provider with extensive experience in property management and a proven track record of success. They should have expertise in the specific types of properties you manage, whether residential, commercial, or mixed-use. Experienced providers are more likely to understand industry-specific challenges and deliver effective solutions for various situations. 3. Reputation Research the provider’s reputation within the industry. Check online reviews, testimonials, and case studies to gauge client satisfaction. A provider with positive feedback and strong references is more likely to deliver high-quality services. 4. Cost Evaluate the cost structure of the provider’s services. Compare their fees with the value they offer, as well as review how they bundle these services. While cost is an important factor, it’s essential to consider the overall value and benefits the provider brings to your property management operations. The goal is to achieve a balance between cost-effectiveness and high-quality service. 5. Customer service Effective communication is vital to successful outsourcing. Assess the provider’s responsiveness, transparency, and customer service quality. They should offer multiple channels for communication, ideally with a main point of contact, and provide timely updates on important matters. 6. Technology and innovation Assess the technology and software solutions the provider uses. Advanced property management software can enhance efficiency, improve communication, and provide valuable insights. Ensure the provider leverages the latest technology to offer seamless and efficient services. 7. Compliance and legal expertise Ensure the provider is well-versed in local, state, and federal regulations related to property management. They should be able to navigate legal complexities and ensure compliance with all relevant laws. This reduces the risk of legal issues and ensures smooth operations. How Thousands of PMCs Are Outsourcing Services for Better Resident Experiences Property management companies are always looking for new ways to generate value for themselves, their residents, and their investors. One of the quickest ways to scale and increase return on investment is to outsource property management services. At Second Nature, we’ve pioneered the first-ever fully managed Resident Benefits Package in order to support PMCs with just that goal. Our RBP provides services that residents are proven to pay and stay for – and our team manages every part of the process so property managers can focus on strategy, growth, or work-life balance. We’ve helped thousands of property managers transform their services and their operations with a customized RBP providing services they couldn’t do alone. Our goal is to make property management easier for PMs, residents, and investors – and drive value that benefits all three. We call it the Triple Win.

Calendar icon October 2, 2024

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