Calendar icon September 21, 2024

How to Write a Letter Notifying Your Tenant of the Sale of Property

Selling a rental property can be complex, especially when tenants are involved. But there are plenty of ways to notify your tenant of the sale in a clear, respectful, and legally compliant manner that also reduces their anxiety or concerns. 

In today’s blog, we’ll provide a practical walkthrough to help you draft this important letter, including:

  • What a notice of sale of property letter is

  • Rights of tenants when the property owner sells the property

  • What the sale of property letter should include

  • Sample letter to notify tenant of sale of property

Note on language: Here at Second Nature, we prefer the term “resident” rather than “tenant,” as that emphasizes the human element over the transactional. But because legacy property management systems and documentation often make exclusive reference to “tenants,” we’ll favor that term in today’s post.  


What is a Notice of Sale of Property Letter?

A notice of sale of property letter is a formal type of communication that informs a tenant that their rental property is being sold. It outlines the upcoming changes that will occur, reassures tenants about their rights, and details how the sale will affect their tenancy.

You might wonder if selling a rental property is even possible with tenants in place. Yes, it is. 

However, the process requires careful consideration of the lease terms and local laws. If the tenant is on a fixed-term lease, they often have the right to remain until the lease expires. If the lease is month-to-month, the new owner may have more flexibility. But in all cases, understanding and following legal guidelines is crucial as they may vary based on your location.


Why You May Want to Sell a Rental Property

Property owners might have a variety of reasons why they’re planning on selling the rental property. We’ll break down some of the most common scenarios below:

  • Potential for significant financial return: The property has appreciated significantly recently, and selling now could provide a substantial profit for the owner, and they want to capitalize on that as soon as possible.
  • Eliminates the property management responsibilities: Managing the property has become too time-consuming or challenging, so selling is the best option to free up the owner’s time.
  • Freeing up capital for other investments: They’re looking to reinvest in a different type of real estate, another location, or explore other markets entirely.
  • Change of priorities due to finances: Financial needs, such as funding their retirement or other investments, are driving the decision.

While selling a rental property has plenty of advantages, it also has its drawbacks. Here is a look at some disadvantages of selling a rental property:

  • Loss of steady income: Monthly rent means money coming in at the same time every month. Removing that means another means of income needs to be secured. 
  • Potential legal challenges: There are many complex laws and regulations to consider, as well as logistics, so if not handled properly - this could lead to major issues down the line, including legal action from the tenant.
  • Reputation: If not handled smoothly and above board, this can cause disruptions for tenants, which could lead to potential damage to a property manager or the property management company’s reputation. 

Rights of Tenants When the Property Owner Sells the Property

Tenants have rights that must be respected when a property is sold. Knowing these rights and planning accordingly can help you avoid legal disputes. 

Please note that this guide does not constitute official legal advice, and it’s crucial to consult local laws or legal counsel for specific details.

Some common laws and regulations you should be aware of include:

  1. Local laws and lease terms: Depending on your state or city, there may be detailed regulations about how to handle a property sale. For instance, some areas require you to honor the current lease terms, even with a new owner. In certain states, tenants with month-to-month leases might need to be given a specific amount of notice before being asked to move out.
  2. Tenants may not have to move: In some jurisdictions, tenant rights specify that they have the right to stay in the property, even after it’s sold. For instance, under California law, “tenants who have a rental agreement have the right to remain through the end of the rental agreement under the same terms and conditions. The new owner may be able to end a periodic tenancy (for example, a month-to-month tenancy), but only if allowed by law and after giving the tenant the required advance notice.” In other words, a buyer could inherit the lease, and this is especially true for tenants with long-term leases. Some local laws also require that tenants be allowed to stay until the end of their lease term. Always verify this with a legal expert.
  3. Utilities and maintenance: As the owner, you must continue providing a habitable property by providing utilities like water and electricity until the tenant moves out. Shutting off utilities during the sale process is illegal, and under criminal law, owners could be charged if they turn these off. For instance, New York Real Property Law § 235 provides protections for tenants, including prohibiting landlords from willfully interrupting utilities – and violations can be considered criminal acts under New York Penal Law. Additionally, if you plan to conduct maintenance or repairs, you need to notify the tenant as required by local laws.
  4. Property showings: Although giving notice for property showings isn’t always legally required, it’s good practice to inform tenants well in advance. Most state laws require you to provide reasonable notice before entering the property, usually 24 to 48 hours, though this can vary. Make sure you refer to your state’s tenant laws before scheduling any showings. As a matter of courtesy, prospective buyers should be accompanied by licensed real estate professionals, but in the event that this is not possible, it makes sense to keep open communication channels with the tenant and to maintain high standards for prospective buyers.
  5. Security deposits: If the tenant moves out before the sale, their security deposit must be handled appropriately. The deposit should be transferred to the new owner, who will hold it until the tenant vacates the property. Be sure to review your state’s laws to avoid any disputes over this process. As a point of accounting interest, note that on balance sheets, a refundable security deposit appears as a liability – the tenant security deposit belongs to the tenant and must be transferred to the new owner to be held until the tenant moves out.
  6. Lease terms: If the property is sold while the tenant is still living there, in most cases the new owner takes over the existing lease terms. However, this can vary based on state laws and the specifics of the lease agreement. For instance, under Florida law, new owners can provide a 90-day written notice of lease termination if they intend to occupy the property as a primary residence.


What Should the Sale of Property Letter Include?

When notifying your tenant of a property sale, the letter should cover essential points. 

Luckily, we’ve provided a breakdown of what should be included.

Basic information

Start with your name (or the property management company’s name), the date, the tenant’s name, and the property address. Include your contact information for any questions the tenant might have.

Details about the sale

Inform the tenant that the property is being sold. Be transparent about the process, including whether the lease and deposit will transfer to the new owner. Let them know that the property will go on the market, and they may need to cooperate with showings.

Showing information

Mention how much notice you’ll provide before a property showing. If state laws require specific notice periods (such as at least a one-day notice), cite them to reassure the tenant that their rights are being respected. Clarify that any showings will be conducted by licensed real estate professionals, and be considerate of the tenant’s schedule.

Responsibilities before the sale

If the tenant has any responsibilities, such as keeping the property tidy for showings, outline them in this section. You may want to consider offering a cleaning service to make it easy for the tenant to keep the property in great condition. In all cases, be polite and professional, and make sure the tenant understands what is expected of them.

Incentives (if applicable)

If you’re offering any incentives, such as paying for a hotel stay during showings, assisting with moving expenses, or providing a rent discount, mention them here. While not mandatory, these gestures can ease the transition for your tenant and foster goodwill.

Relocation support

If you manage other properties, you may wish to let the tenant know of any available openings, but this is completely optional and just a common courtesy you can provide to help ease the transition.

Thank you section

Close the letter by thanking the tenant for their cooperation during this process. Acknowledge the inconvenience this may cause and express your appreciation for their help in making the process as smooth as possible.


Letter to Notify Tenant of Sale of Property Template

Here’s a sample notice letter template you can use to inform your tenant of the sale, and customize to fit your needs:

[Your Name/Property Management Company]
[Tenant’s Name]
[Property Address]

Dear [Tenant’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you that the property you are currently renting at [Property Address] is being put up for sale. This means there will be some changes in the near future, but I want to assure you that your rights as a tenant will be respected throughout this process.

Your current lease will be transferred to the new owner, and all terms will remain in effect. You will be notified in advance of any showings, and we will work to make the process as smooth as possible for you.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at [Your Contact Information].

Thank you for your cooperation during this time. We appreciate your help in keeping the property presentable for potential buyers and making this transition as seamless as possible.

[Your Name]

Learn more: How to Write a Notice to Vacate Letter to Tenants [with free template])


Final Thoughts

Selling a rental property involves careful planning, especially when tenants are involved. A well-crafted letter can help ease the transition and ensure a smooth process for everyone. Remember to stay informed about your local laws and consult legal experts when necessary.

If you're looking for ways to enhance the resident experience during this transition, consider improving tenant satisfaction with services like the Resident Benefits Package. Learn more about these packages from Second Nature today.

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Tenant Screening Checklist: Free Template, Printable PDF, and Form Example

When it comes to renting out a property, selecting the right tenant to take up residence can make all the difference in your experience as a property manager. While this might seem like a simple process at first glance, tenant screening is a multi-step journey that can save you from a host of headaches, when done correctly. That’s why developing a checklist to thoroughly address the full range of tenant screening considerations can streamline the process for everyone involved. Note on language: Here at Second Nature, we prefer the term “resident” rather than “tenant,” as that emphasizes the human element over the transactional. But because legacy property management systems and documentation often make exclusive reference to “tenants,” we’ll favor that term in today’s post. What Is a Tenant Screening Checklist? At its core, a tenant screening checklist is simply a tool designed to help property managers vet potential renters. It's a systematic way to ensure that you're gathering all the information required to make an informed decision about who will be living on the rental property you’re responsible for. The checklist includes a range of steps, from gathering contact information and employment details to running background and credit checks. The goal is to cover your bases so that when you hand over the keys, you feel confident that the person moving in will be a good fit for your property. Some of the typical components of a tenant screening checklist include: Rental application: This is where prospective renters provide their contact information, employment history, rental history, and more. Credit report: A detailed credit check gives you a glimpse into how financially responsible the applicant is. Background check: Criminal history is another factor that can play a significant role in your decision-making process. Reference checks: Talking to previous property managers, landlords, or employers can provide insight into how reliable the applicant is. Employment verification: Verifying that the applicant is gainfully employed and can afford the rent is crucial. Why you should use a tenant screening checklist A tenant screening checklist is more than just a series of steps to follow – it's a protective measure for your property and investment. Here's why it matters: For property managers: It ensures consistency. Every applicant is subjected to the same process, which not only helps you find the best fit for your rental property, but also legally protects you by showing that you treat all applicants equally. For potential residents: It fosters trust. Prospective renters know that if they're accepted, they earned their spot fairly, based on the same criteria as everyone else who applied for the rental property. This can create a stronger property manager-resident relationship from the outset. By sticking to a checklist, you avoid oversight or bias, and ensure that the process is transparent and fair. What property managers should know As you implement your tenant screening process, there are a few key areas that require special attention. First, familiarize yourself with the Fair Housing Act. This federal law prohibits discrimination in housing-related activities based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, family status, or disability. Violations of this law can lead to severe legal consequences, so it's essential to understand and comply with all its provisions. Privacy is another critical consideration. The information you gather during tenant screening is sensitive and should be treated with the utmost care. Personal details like social security numbers, credit reports, and employment verification should be kept confidential to prevent identity theft and other security breaches. Consent is also vital. Make sure you obtain written permission before running background or credit checks on applicants. Not only is this a legal requirement, but it also helps build trust with potential residents by showing that you respect their privacy. Learn more: Your Guide to Property Management Laws, Regulations, & Rules How to Properly Screen Prospective Tenants There are several essential steps to a thorough tenant screening process. We'll walk through each of them in detail, but note that meeting the tenant in person, or connecting with them via phone or email, can also be helpful in assessing their suitability. Importantly, we’ll also highlight the contents of the rental application, which is crucial for gathering essential details like contact information, employment history, and rental history. It’s also where you’ll obtain permission to run background checks and credit reports, a legal requirement before proceeding with these evaluations. Now let’s take a closer look at each element of a thorough tenant screening process: Rental application The rental application is the first step in gathering essential details about a prospective resident. This form typically includes their full name, contact information, employment history, and rental history. Additionally, you may want to request a photo ID as part of this step. The rental application is also where you should ask for permission to run background and credit checks. Without consent, you're legally prohibited from conducting these checks, so this step is crucial. Income and employment verification Once you've received the rental application, verifying the applicant's employment and income is the next logical step. Pay stubs, employment verification letters, or a quick call to the employer can confirm that the applicant is both employed and earning enough to comfortably afford the rent. It’s essential to establish whether the applicant has a stable job that’ll allow them to meet their financial obligations. Consistency in employment is often a good indicator of a responsible resident. Credit check and credit report A credit check provides insight into an applicant's financial habits. Are they consistently paying their bills on time, or do they have a history of missed payments? While no one is perfect, this step can help you gauge the likelihood of timely rent payments. Before running a credit check, make sure that the applicant is aware and has provided written consent. Background check A background check can reveal any criminal history that might affect your decision to rent to a particular individual. It’s not just about finding out if someone has a criminal record – it’s about understanding the nature of any incidents and whether they present a risk to the property or the community. While it’s essential to take this information into account, it’s also important to comply with state and federal laws that govern how criminal history can be used in housing decisions. Rental history Checking an applicant's rental history is another key step in the screening process. Contacting previous property managers or landlords can provide a wealth of information, from whether rent was paid on time to how well the applicant maintained the property. Public eviction records can also give you insight into whether the individual has a history of problems with previous rentals. Reference checks Requesting references from previous rental or employment experiences can give you further insight into an applicant's character and reliability. Personal references can be helpful, but professional references tend to provide more objective feedback. Pet screening If your property allows pets, it's important to include a pet screening process as part of your checklist. This can involve gathering information about the type of pet, breed, and size, as well as providing an opportunity to review any rules or restrictions you might have regarding pets on your property. For a more in-depth look at the process of screening for the ideal tenant, check out our blog: How to Screen Potential Tenants: Tips for Property Managers. Next Step: How to Evaluate Applicants Once you've gathered all the information from your checklist, it's time to evaluate your applicants. Look for any red flags that might indicate future issues, such as a history of evictions, inconsistent employment, or a poor credit score. At this stage, you might also want to conduct an interview with your top candidates to ask any final questions and clarify details. This conversation can reveal important information that didn't come up during the formal application process. Once you’ve made your decision, it’s time to notify the applicant. If they’re approved, the next step is to provide a lease agreement for their review. Make sure to discuss the lease terms in detail and give them the opportunity to ask questions before they sign. This step is crucial for preventing misunderstandings down the road. Learn more about next steps: How to Create Your Tenant Move-in Checklist, Tips + Free Template What is a Resident Benefits Package? Tenant Screening Checklist Template The checklist below covers the process for screening potential tenants from beginning to end, and will help ensure that you are missing no crucial steps: Rental application Provide rental application form Collect full name, contact information, employment history, and rental history. Request a copy of the applicant's photo ID. Obtain consent for background and credit checks. Review rental application Confirm that all necessary fields are completed. Verify the accuracy of provided information (e.g., contact details). Income and employment verification Verify income and employment Request pay stubs or employment verification letters. Optionally, call the employer to confirm details. Ensure the applicant's income can comfortably cover the rent. Assess employment stability Look for consistency in employment history. Consider the nature and duration of current employment. Credit check and credit Report Run credit check Confirm written consent from the applicant is on file. Evaluate credit history, focusing on payment habits and outstanding debts. Identify any red flags, such as missed payments or high levels of debt. Background check Conduct background check Ensure legal compliance with state and federal regulations. Review criminal history for any potential risks to the property or community. Document findings in accordance with Fair Housing laws. Rental history Contact previous landlords or property managers Verify rent payment history (e.g., on-time payments). Check how well the applicant maintained previous rental properties. Investigate public eviction records, if applicable. Reference checks Request professional references Contact provided references to verify the applicant's character and reliability. Prefer professional references over personal ones for objective insights. Pet screening (if applicable) Gather pet information Request details about the pet(s), including breed, size, and any specific needs. Review and communicate property rules and restrictions regarding pets. Confirm the applicant’s acknowledgment of pet policies. This checklist should guide property managers and landlords through each step of the tenant screening process to ensure thorough and legal compliance. Tenant Screening Checklist Form A good tenant screening checklist form will include all of the components discussed above. Here is a sample that you can use or customize according to your needs and legal requirements: Tenant Screening Checklist Template Property Information: Property Address: Unit Number: Rent Amount: Security Deposit: 1. Pre-Screening Questions Preferred Move-in Date: Reason for Moving: Length of Previous Tenancy: Number of Occupants: Pets (Yes/No): Smoking (Yes/No): Employment Status: Monthly Income: Criminal History (Yes/No): 2. Application Information Completed Rental Application (Date received: ) Application fee collected: (Amount: ) 3. Identity Verification Photo ID received: (Type: ) Verified Name, Date of Birth, and Address 4. Income & Employment Verification Income Documentation Provided: Pay Stubs (Last 3 months) Bank Statements (Last 3 Months) Tax Returns (If Self-employed) Employer Contact Information: Employer Name: Contact Name & Position: Phone/Email: Verified Employment and Income (Yes/No): 5. Rental History Verification Previous Landlord Contact Information: Landlord Name: Phone/Email: Length of Tenancy: Rent Payment History: Any Damages or Issues Reported: 6. Credit Check Credit Score: Credit Report Reviewed (Date): Any Negative Marks: (Late Payments, Collections, etc.) 7. Background Check Criminal Background Check Completed: (Yes/No) Eviction History Check Completed: (Yes/No) Any Red Flags: 8. Additional Documents/Considerations Co-Signer Required (Yes/No): Co-Signer Information Verified: Additional Documents Provided: 9. Approval/Denial Decision Approval Decision Date: Denial Decision Date: Reason for Denial (if applicable): 10. Follow-Up Lease Agreement Sent (Date): Security Deposit Collected (Date): First Month’s Rent Collected (Date): Final Thoughts Tenant screening may seem like a complex process, but with a clear checklist in hand, you can navigate it smoothly. By staying organized, adhering to legal requirements, and keeping the lines of communication open with applicants, you'll be able to more efficiently find the best fit for your property, and set the tone for a positive resident experience all around. For more tips on improving the resident experience, check out Second Nature’s Resident Benefits Package.

Calendar icon September 21, 2024

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How to Write a Security Deposit Return Letter + Free Template

Returning a security deposit is one of the final steps in a tenancy relationship, and it's important to handle it properly. Indeed, knowing how to write a security deposit return letter can help you close things out smoothly and professionally. Today we’re presenting a practical guide on crafting these letters, complete with examples and essential details to keep in mind. Important note: While this guide offers helpful general advice, it’s vital to check local and state laws to ensure compliance with specific regulations in your area. Note on language: Here at Second Nature, we prefer the term “residents” rather than “renters” or “tenants,” as that emphasizes the human element over the transactional. But because formal property management documentation often makes exclusive reference to “tenants,” we’ll favor that term in today’s post. What Is a Security Deposit Return Letter? A security deposit return letter serves as formal documentation that details the return of the security deposit to the resident after they move out. It's more than just a formality – this letter can clarify the amount being returned, explain any deductions, and provide transparency to avoid deposit disputes. When done correctly, this letter can help you avoid potential claims against the deposit. It’s also a chance to demonstrate professionalism and fairness, which can lead to positive relationships and, potentially, good word-of-mouth in the future. Here are a few things to keep in mind when crafting a security deposit return letter: State laws: Local laws dictate the time frame in which a tenant’s security deposit must be returned, what deductions are allowed, and any other related requirements. Preventing disputes: A well-crafted letter can help prevent claims against you by clearly outlining the return process and any deductions made. Insurance considerations: In some cases, following the correct procedures for returning a deposit can also help you avoid issues with any insurance policies you may have in place in relation to security deposits. Related: What is Security Deposit Insurance: Pros, Cons, and Best Practices? Common Questions About Security Deposit Returns Handling security deposits can be tricky, and questions often arise. Below are a few common concerns landlords and property managers face. Keep in mind that local and state laws vary, so always consult the relevant regulations. What can a landlord or property manager deduct? You can generally deduct unpaid rent, repairs for damages beyond normal wear and tear, and costs for cleaning if the unit is left in poor condition. However, these deductions must be reasonable, and you should always provide documentation, such as receipts or photos, to support them. What is considered normal wear and tear? Normal wear and tear typically includes things like minor scuffs on walls, light carpet wear, or small nail holes from hanging pictures. Essentially, it refers to the natural aging of a property during normal use. Anything beyond this—like large stains, broken fixtures, or damage from pets—may warrant deductions from the security deposit. When should you return the security deposit interest? In some states, landlords are required to pay accrued interest on the security deposit. If this applies to you, check the relevant deadlines and ensure you include any owed interest along with the returned deposit. You’ll need to itemize this in your letter as well. What if you don’t have a forwarding address? If the resident hasn't provided a forwarding address, it’s still your responsibility to attempt to return the deposit. Try reaching out through any available means, such as email or phone. If all else fails, you may need to follow state-specific protocols, such as holding the deposit for a set period. Learn more: Security Deposit Alternatives for Property Managers and Residents What to Include in a Security Deposit Letter A well-organized letter should cover all the necessary information, presented in a clear and concise manner. Here’s a breakdown of the key elements you’ll want to include: Landlord's name and contact information: Your full name (or the name of your property management company) and how you can be reached. Tenant’s name and contact information: Make sure to address the letter to the correct person in relation to the correct property address. Date of letter: This is important for record-keeping, as well, and signals what day the notification was shared. Lease details relevant to the deposit: Reference the deposit or lease agreement that applies (you can also provide a copy of the relevant agreement). Original deposit amount: Clearly state the original amount of the security deposit. Itemized breakdown of deductions: If any deductions were made, list them here with the corresponding amounts and explanations. Receipts or documentation for deductions: Include copies of cleaning, repair, or maintenance receipts as proof of expenses. Remaining balance: Indicate the amount being returned after deductions. Deposit details: Mention how and when the deposit will be returned (e.g., check, direct deposit). Signature: Ensure that the letter is signed by you or an authorized representative from your property management company. How to Write a Landlord Security Deposit Letter Security deposit letters can take different forms depending on the situation. Here’s a brief overview of the most common types and when to use them: Security deposit letter for full refund: If you’re returning the full amount of the deposit without any deductions, this is the easiest letter to write. A straightforward explanation, along with the original deposit amount, is all that’s needed. Security deposit letter for partial refund: In cases where part of the security deposit is being withheld for cleaning, repairs, or unpaid rent, your letter will need to include an itemized list of these deductions. Be clear and provide any supporting documentation. Security deposit letter for no refund: If the entire deposit is being withheld, your letter should carefully explain why. Be sure to include receipts and a detailed breakdown of the costs involved, as this can help prevent disputes. Security deposit letter with request for payment: If the security deposit isn’t enough to cover the damages or unpaid rent, you may need to request additional payment. This letter should include a full explanation of the costs and a deadline for payment. Below are sample letters for these scenarios: Sample letter: Security deposit letter for full refund [Your Name] [Your Address] [Date] Dear [Resident’s Name], This letter serves as confirmation that your security deposit of $[Amount] is being returned in full. Thank you for leaving the rental property in good condition. Please find the enclosed check for the total amount of your deposit. Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Contact Information] Sample letter: Security deposit letter for partial refund [Your Name] [Your Address] [Date] Dear [Resident’s Name], After inspecting the property, we’ve determined that $[Amount] will be deducted from your security deposit for the following reasons: [Itemized list of deductions and costs] Please find the enclosed check for the remaining balance of $[Remaining Amount]. Receipts for the deducted amounts are attached for your records. Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Contact Information] Sample letter: Security deposit letter for no refund [Your Name] [Your Address] [Date] Dear [Resident’s Name], After inspecting the property, we’ve determined that the entire security deposit of $[Amount] will be used to cover the following costs: [Itemized list of deductions and costs] Unfortunately, no balance remains to be refunded. Receipts for the deducted amounts are attached for your records. Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Contact Information] Sample letter: Security deposit letter with request for payment [Your Name] [Your Address] [Date] Dear [Resident’s Name], After inspecting the property, we’ve determined that the cost of repairs and unpaid rent exceeds your security deposit of $[Amount]. The remaining balance of $[Balance Due] is owed to cover the following: [Itemized list of deductions and costs] Please remit payment by [Due Date]. Receipts for the deducted amounts are attached for your records. Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Contact Information] How to Send a Tenant a Security Deposit Letter The best way to send a security deposit return letter is by certified mail with a return receipt. This ensures that there’s proof of delivery, which can protect you in case of disputes. Some states may also allow you to send the letter electronically, so check local regulations to confirm the appropriate method. Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Security Deposit Return Letter When writing a security deposit return letter, be mindful of some of the common pitfalls below. Failure to meet the deadline Every state has specific rules about how long you have to return a deposit, broadly ranging from 10 days after inspection (as in the case of Montana) to 60 days (West Virginia and other states). Missing the deadline can result in penalties. Not providing enough detail If you’re making deductions, be sure to include detailed explanations and supporting documentation, as specified earlier. Neglecting to include interest In states where interest on security deposits is required, make sure you calculate and include it in the return. It’s best to document this early on to save yourself a headache down the road. Not retaining a copy Always keep a copy of the letter and any related documents for your records. It helps to also back up electronic documents, as well, but be sure to keep original copies of everything first. Final Thoughts Handling security deposit returns correctly can help you avoid disputes and maintain good relationships with residents, even after they’ve moved out. By following these guidelines and customizing your letters to fit the situation, you’ll be able to navigate this process smoothly and professionally, while ensuring a positive experience for all parties. For more tips on improving the resident experience, check out Second Nature’s Resident Benefits Package.

Calendar icon September 21, 2024

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