
Triple Win Property Management Blog

How Property Managers Can Address An Evolving Industry

“PropTech companies are making the mechanics of property management easy – rent collection, maintenance, screening, the day-to-day mechanics of property management. Thirty years ago, that’s what a property manager did. Now though, when it comes to things like benefits packages, pet guarantees, and rent guarantees with security deposit alternatives – these are all things you can’t do with software. Software doesn’t solve this problem, especially for landlords trying to manage their own smaller-scale properties. The fact that we manage a lot of properties as opposed to just being a software solution, we can offer much more value.” - Revolution Rental Management CEO Todd Ortscheid ‍The basics of property management, that is collecting rent, conducting maintenance, and listing and filling properties, have never been easier. The wave of investment into the industry in the form of proptech companies, as described above by Ortscheid, has stimulated this change. This is a good thing in some respects, but it also poses new challenges for PMCs. As technology makes property management’s core competencies easier, the need for an owner to hire someone to do those core competencies decreases. The service is being commoditized, which is to say that the ability to differentiate your business simply by being proficient at those core competencies is approaching zero.This creates a need for property managers to offer something beyond the core competencies, to offer something that can’t be easily replicated by technology or the accidental landlord using that technology. Thus, the focus for the property manager has changed. Good property management is no longer just taking on screening, renting, maintenance, and so on for the client. Good property management is now about maximizing the investor’s ROI via innovative value-creation programs that technology cannot duplicate.‍ "So the advent of resident benefits packages really grew out of that. There was just more demand to be something more. This took property managers from being just a kind of a lackey to really being the professionals, to understand the laws, to understand who protects our clients and income streams.” - Formatic Property Management CEO Matthew Tandy‍ So how do you as a property manager offer something more in order to protect your clients and their income streams? You start upstream with the resident. ‍“The experience of the tenant is paramount in this industry. Our product is tenants. It's not all the systems. It's not all the organization. Our product to the homeowner is the tenant. Now we can go into psychological studies about making tenants happy and how they treat products better and treat the properties better, but you can have that conversation just from a logical standpoint with your homeowner. Let's talk about the resident experience in your property. And if we give them the best experience possible, they're going to feel appreciative of this address and of you as a landlord, and of us as a property manager. The better experience you can give them, the more likely they are to take better care of your property, pay you on time, stay in your property, and lower your vacancy costs. It's like a literal triple win in this case.” - RevUp Consultant Jonathan Cook ‍Obviously, the resident is the source of the monthly income for the investor, so protecting that income stream and maximizing ROI from it means protecting the resident’s interests. You need them to stay. Making the property and the rental experience as good as possible for the resident incentivizes them to stay, and less turnover means less lost vacancy and turnover costs to the property’s owner. A winning experience for the resident becomes a winning experience for your clients. Property managers have gotten ahead of the curve in the evolving market by redefining the resident’s role in the business. They’re not just a necessity anymore. They’re an opportunity to install a resident experience program that creates value for investors that the investors don’t have the capacity to create themselves. This committed evolution from a service provider to an experience provider is making all the difference for America’s top PMCs. Related: State of Resident Experience Study ‍ Four Keys to A Successful Resident Experience Platform 1. Create value This is the single most important part of an ancillary income program. Ancillary services are not just money grabs. Treating them as that will have undesirable long-term consequences. To be sure, there is money to be made for you as the property manager, but unless you’re also creating a desirable situation for residents, you’re not helping your clients, which threatens the long-term viability of your business. Vision is important here. Creating that undeniable value for your residents is the origin point of this entire strategy. It is the cornerstone without which the whole thing crumbles. There’s a long list of pretty easily accessible programs that are proving to be welcomed by residents, including things like air filter delivery, credit-reporting tools, security deposit alternatives, resident rewards, gifting programs, home-buying assistance, and more. 2. Convenience Residents perceive value in a number of different ways, but one of the big ones, especially in modern America, is through convenience. ‍ “What I'm seeing from our residents, whether they're paying $3,000 a month in rent or $1,000 a month in rent, the number one thing that they look for is ease and convenience. They don't want complicated instructions. They just want simple, they want right now. They want contact free, they don't want to talk to people. That's what our residents want. So everything we do from showings to moving into the experience after they move in is all revolved around design for that expectation.” - Skyline Properties Broker DD Lee ‍Delivering convenience really means making the obligations of the resident as easy as possible to fulfill. The resident is required by the lease to pay rent, they’re required by the lease to keep their air filter changed, they’re required by the lease to have renters insurance. A great resident experience doesn’t require a huge dog and pony show. Just making these basic things as easy as possible will thrill residents, especially considering how common negative perceptions of property managers can be. 3. Protect the asset Certain convenience programs for residents can also serve to create value for the investors by protecting their asset. Services like filter delivery and comprehensive auto-enroll renters insurance help minimize maintenance and the risk of charges coming back to the client. Studies actually show that filter delivery service decreases the number of HVAC maintenance tickets. This is not only a convenient service for residents, eliminating their need to go to the store and buy a filter, but it also extends the life of the HVAC system, which is one of the most expensive things in a home to replace. 4. It all adds up When you can create a ton of value for your residents, you can keep those residents in the properties. When you can show your clients that you can not only rent their properties, but rent them to residents who will stick around and take care of the property, while also providing services that make taking care of the property easy, you’re offering them more than technology can create. That’s how you differentiate your business in the modern era.

Calendar icon May 17, 2023

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Property Management Referral Program: Create, Promote & Track Success

A study by McKinsey found that the main factor behind up to half of purchasing decisions is word of mouth. A good referral can set up your property management company for the long term. A bad referral can lead to stress, late nights, and overwork. So how do you nail a good referral program? We sat down with an expert to get some answers. Jim Roman is the Director of Results at Business Owners Institute, LLC, and a speaker and coach well-known in the property management industry. Jim helped us talk through the best practices for getting referrals, how to build a (legal) referral program, and how to follow through for success. Key Learning Objectives: What you need for successful property management referrals How to optimize the referral process How to promote referrals How to track your success How to maintain and nurture your referral relationships Meet the Expert: Jim Roman, Director of Results at Business Owners Institute Jim Roman founded Business Owners Institute 18 years ago to help business owners and their teams make more money, have more time, and – most importantly – have a life beyond their business. He coaches leaders from many industries and has a strong client base in property management. From a course called “How to Double Your Income in 90 Days,” his work has grown into a nationwide coaching and consulting business. What’s needed for a successful property management referral program A property management referral program is a marketing strategy that incentivizes your current clients to refer new clients to your PMC and grow your doors. Referral marketing is one of the best ways to grow a quality client list in any business. But in the property management business – where relationships and word of mouth still reign supreme – referral marketing is an essential strategy. A relationship-based approach Roman urges property managers to keep local laws and regulations in mind when discussing a referral “program” rather than casual referral strategies: “A referral program would be that you get compensated for referrals,” Roman says. “You have to be careful in the property management industry when you do this kind of stuff. The laws are different throughout every state. For example, in Virginia, you’re required by law to give two to three people when asked about a realtor or realtor referral program.” Roman urges that a relationship-based, win-win approach – over a referral fee – is far more effective for long-term outcomes. He has coached hundreds of companies on how to build a successful, relationship-based referral strategy. Defined target audience A defined target audience is critical to the success of your relationship-based referral marketing. Roman outlines three key audiences for getting referrals: 1. Current clients According to Roman, the average investor has two to three property management relationships with many rental properties. You may not even know about those other properties if you don’t have a strong relationship with their investor. “One of the things I teach my clients to do is what I call an Owner Outreach Program,” Roman says. “Reach out to the property owner, check in on them and how they're doing. Tell them ‘We're not asking for money and there's nothing wrong with your property. I just wanted to check in and find out where your goals are for this year.’ Next thing you know, they go, ‘Well, it's funny you should call. I have a couple of properties I want to give to you.’” 2. Past clients The next strategy for your target audience is to check in with past clients. “You might check in with them and see how they're doing,” Roman says. “They might say, ‘Oh, it's funny you should call me. I'm not happy with my property manager. I should never have left you.’” He adds that if they are happy with their current arrangement, they likely won’t pick up the phone when you call anyway – “so you have nothing to lose.” 3. Strategic partners Roman says, “Think about people who have databases that you would want where partnering with them could be very profitable.” The number one source of business for property managers is real estate agents. After that, Roman lists CPAs, investment advisors, and estate planning attorneys. "If someone passes away," Roman says, "and someone else inherits some properties, who's going to know that? The CPA, the investment advisor, or the estate planning attorney.” Achievable goals for referrals The next factor is to set achievable goals for your referrals. Roman advises his clients to identify between six to eight referral partners to refer clients. “It only takes three technically, but you don’t know which of the six to eight will be your three,” Roman says. “If one quits, you’re down, losing a third of your referrals.” He advises a strategy to focus on the three target audiences above – current clients, former clients, and strategic partners. “I might have three relationships in each category,” Roman says. “Not all are going to refer you. But the key is that you can answer if someone asks you for a CPA, etc. Then, eventually, those partners will start returning the favor and referring you a lot of business.” A clear referral reward system Roman says that the best rewards systems give people options. He shares an example of a referral program he promoted. “It was a March Madness referral program,” Roman says. “For the month of March, if you refer us any clients, you get a choice of one of three things: $250 credit towards coaching in the future, $100 gift card to your favorite restaurant, or $100 to your favorite retail store.” The power in that is it’s giving you options, which helps ensure you’ve hit on something that each person might want. Note: Again, remember to follow your local laws. A marketing strategy to promote your referral program According to Roman, the key to any marketing strategy is to bring awareness to the fact you are looking for referrals. “This is important,” Roman says. “Some people think you’re doing so well you don’t need it. But who doesn’t want new business?” Romans says that he sends a survey at the 90-day mark of getting a new client and asks, “How are we doing?” Then, they add the question: “What could we do to make it easier for our clients to refer us?” “One woman said, ‘I just need a flier,’” Romans says. “That was so easy!” Optimize the referral process Next, Roman walked us through the steps to optimize the referral process. He advises his clients to use the RISEE process: build Relationships, Identify opportunities, Strategize, Execute, and Evaluate. Step 1: Build Relationships (R) At this point, it should come as no surprise that the “r” is for “relationships” – the most important part of any referral plan. Roman says, “One of the questions I love to ask people is how they got into their industry and what they enjoy most about their business. You're going to find a connection and build that relationship.” He also warns that how you approach is key. “You don’t say, ‘Let’s get together to see how we can help each other out.’ You should be trying to identify what is a good referral for them. So you should say, ‘I would love to learn about how we would be able to refer you and see if it’s something we can partner on.’ It’s about them, not you.” Step 2: Identify opportunities to refer (I) That leads us to the next step: Identify opportunities to refer – both for them and for you. Roman says it’s important to get very specific here. For example, if you’re working with a realtor, don’t just go with “they’ll take anybody looking to buy a house.” For your own referrals, be clear on what property management services you’re offering. Roman says, “That's not specific enough. Is someone upsizing? Downsizing? Is it a half-million-dollar house? A million-dollar house? Another way I go about this is I'll ask them to give an example of some of the types of clients they’re working with now.” “This identifying step takes some time,” Roman adds. “The whole process should not happen in one sitting.” Step 3: Strategize on how to do it (S) Roman says the key here is to identify what has worked before. “So when I ask how I should refer someone, they always give a sales answer. They'll give you the words that they would say if they were in front of the prospect. But you're not a salesperson for them, so you can't do it that way.” Instead, says Roman, “I might say, ‘What are different ways people have referred you in the past?’ Rarely does anybody ever ask that question, but it makes the strategy part so much easier.” Step 4: Execute that action (E) This is all about holding up your side of the bargain. Once you’ve identified opportunities and built a strategy for both of you to refer to each other, you need to actually execute. “Tell them, ‘I want to commit to giving you at least one referral by this month,’” Roman says. “And that's important because usually if I really want a referral relationship, I have to give first. A lot of times, people say, ‘Okay, this was great. I'll figure out how I can help you.’ Yeah. You're not gonna help me, you're gonna forget about me.” Instead, commit yourself to a goal and timeline so your partner knows you’re serious. Roman suggests a script like: “Okay, I’m looking to refer you in the month of April, and I'm going to work on getting you one referral. Is that okay with you?’” They’re going to say yes. Step 5: Evaluate how it went (E) “A lot of times there is no evaluation,” Roman says. “But the second E is the power in this whole process – debriefing, training me to know what worked. I need to learn.” “Ask ‘What would be better,’ rather than just asking, ‘Is this going okay?’” Roman recommends. Without following up, you can easily lose that referral to another relationship. Roman says he’s seen it happen time and again. Follow-up and evaluation are critical to generating more referrals. We’ll share more on evaluating your program below. How to promote a property management referral program Remember that when it comes to referrals, your state’s laws may have strict requirements on what is allowed. Keep those legal restrictions in mind. However, in terms of building referral partnerships and strategies, you can follow several paths to promoting your plan. Create a dedicated referral program landing page Again, people don’t know you need referrals unless you tell them. Create a landing page for your website that’s simple, clear, and lets people know exactly how to refer you. Use social media Reviews, likes, comments, and more on social media are one of the best ways to get word of mouth out there. (You can join Second Nature’s Facebook group of active, supportive property managers.) Send email marketing campaigns Once you’ve identified your target audience of current clients, former clients, and strategic partners, you can build email campaigns targeted specifically to each. Sign strategic partners for cross-promotion Strategic partners are any businesses that have a database that could add value to your company. As Roman outlined above, the best partners for property managers are real estate agents, CPAs, investment advisors, and estate planning attorneys. Remember: To get referrals, let people know you want referrals! Use hyperlocal advertising campaigns This is so simple but so effective. Roman says, “I always recommend going out to real estate offices on a frequent basis. Bring donuts or bagels or offer to do a real estate sales meeting and buy breakfast. Make it frequent, not just one and done.” It’s about relationships and being the first PMC that comes to mind the next time they’re asked for a property manager referral. How to track the success of a referral program This brings us back to the second “E” in RISEE – evaluation. According to Roman, this is the most overlooked but important part of the process. Here are his tips to track and build upon your referral success. Track best-converting referral sources The key here is talking to your referral partners about your definition of a good referral, a better referral, and the best referral. “In referral relationships, we don’t always talk about that,” Roman says. “What’s a good referral? What’s a bad referral?” In property management, he says, a bad referral would be someone who is not flexible with their property management team and management agreement, won’t let you make any changes, etc. By contrast, Roman says, “A great referral will be an investor who says, I don't care, just get it done. I trust you. You're the expert.’ A middling referral might be the landlord who has a personal attachment to the investment property and wants to know what's going on on a regular basis. It's profitable, but it's not like the investor is ready to say, ‘I trust you, you're the expert.’” So the key here is to track which types of referrals you get that most quickly convert into profitable clients. Then let your referral partners know exactly what that client looks like. Optimize the referral program based on your partnerships Set your success metrics for your referral program and optimize your program based on reasonable goals. “First is setting your referral goals,” Roman says. “How many referrals are you hoping to get on a monthly basis?” Decide how many referrals per month you want from each of your strategic partners. “An average door, let’s say, could be worth $2,000 of revenue a year for a property manager,” Roman says. “So if I get three realtors giving me all three referrals, that's $6,000 of revenue to the company. Plus the first month's rent if you charge something like that. So I would wanna have a referral goal and then monitor how many I'm getting from all my partners.” The goal, too, is to be sure you’re getting as many referrals as you’re getting. How to maintain and nurture referral relationships All of this is pointless, Roman says, if you aren’t nurturing those relationships. “It's important that you stay in touch with the person you’re referring and the person you’re referring to,” Roman says. “This is a team effort, not an individual effort.” Similarly, when you receive a referral, let the referring partner know how it’s going. Let them know if it was successful and how you’re nurturing that referral. They’re more likely to continue referring people to you if they know you’ll really follow through and take care of that person. Tiered reward system for best performers If you’ve built a reward system (within legal boundaries), consider creating tiers for the highest-converting referrals. Companies do this all the time with employee referrals. Set up rewards that correspond with the stages of growth or future sales with that referral. Do they convert into clients? Do they last over six months or a year or multiple years? Thank your referral partners by gifting them rewards for these milestones. This practice also helps to highlight for them what a good vs. better vs. best referral looks like for you. Understand what’s working by talking to your top-performing referral program partners Roman shares an example of how to really invest in those referral relationships. “I was working with a staffing firm where the boss was one of my top three referral partners. She told me, ‘If you can help Tracy, you'd be helping me.’ I said, ‘Consider it done.’ So I would get together with Tracy at least once a month for a cup of coffee to give her resumes. And she’d go, ‘Oh, thanks, Jim.’ And that was it. Six months into it, something told me to ask her, ‘Are these good referrals?’ She says yes, yet again. So instead, I asked, ‘Tracy, what would be a better referral for you?’ She had an answer: ‘Oh, a better referral would be orders. Resumes are great, but when companies give me an order, and they want me to place the person, that’s the best thing you could do for me.’ Within weeks, I came across a company that was looking to fill an order. I hooked them up with Tracy and followed up afterward. She told me it was the biggest deal of her career.” Roman says it’s critical to ask not just “Is this going okay?” but “How could it be better?” Again, that helps you nurture and understand their needs, and it’s likely they’ll return the favor. Property management referral program best practices Okay, let’s review all we’ve learned from Jim Roman and make one last list of best practices. Here are some best practices for property management referral programs: Offer a valuable incentive: A strong incentive can motivate your existing clients to refer new business. Roman says, “A strong incentive from my experience is doing a great job for the referrals received. If you are going to give them monetary incentive, give them options.”‍ Keep it simple: Make it easy for clients to refer others by providing them with a simple and streamlined process. This could include a referral form or a unique referral link that they can share with others. Ask for this from your partners, as well.‍ Communicate regularly: Keep your clients informed about your referral program by communicating regularly via email or newsletters. This will keep your program top of mind and increase the likelihood that clients will refer others.‍ Leverage social media: Use social media to promote your referral program and encourage clients to share it with their followers. This can help you reach a wider audience and generate more referrals.‍ Follow up quickly: When a new referral comes in, follow up with them quickly to show that you appreciate the referral and are excited to work with them. Follow up with both sides.‍ Track results: Keep track of the referrals you receive and the incentives you offer. This will help you assess the success of your program and make adjustments as needed. In the end, it’s all about building meaningful, effective partnerships that benefit everyone in the long run. Get more property management tips, insights, and expert advice in our Second Nature Community.

Calendar icon April 10, 2023

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The Pod System Defined by Phil Vera

The Pod System helps Auben Realty provide an excellent resident experience at scale. ‍ Auben Realty CEO Phil Vera joined us on The Triple Win Podcast to discuss a number of topics in the property management industry, including the innovative Pod System. The Pod System is a management technique Auben instituted in recent years that’s helped them to focus on long-term benefits of a great resident experience while building meaningful relationships with investors to create a triple win where all parties benefit. This triple win is also the concept behind Second Nature's Resident Benefits Package. Related: State of Resident Experience Study What is the Pod System? As Vera explains, most property management companies employ traditional property managers who serve as a jack of all trades for the properties they are tasked with managing. This is portfolio-based management. They handle everything from leasing, to maintenance requests, to communication with the investor and the resident for their portfolio of properties. The end of the spectrum opposite a portfolio-based company structure is a departmental structure, where employees handle a specific piece of the management channel for many different properties. Neither is necessarily a wrong way to do things, and both work well for certain companies, but Auben was convinced there had to be a better way. Enter the Pod System. The Pod System is innovative because it has hybridized portfolio with departmental, creating teams of people to manage a portfolio of properties, with each person serving in a specific role. This structure allows Auben to provide excellent and reliable communication as part of its resident and investor experience while not sacrificing the advantages of an effectively scaled property management company. How does it create a Triple Win? Within each team, Auben employs an Investor Account Manager. These roles are designed to foster a great working relationship with investors and create open and accessible communication channels. “They are the investor’s main point of contact,” said Vera. “They build a relationship with the investor, provide updates, communication flow, all those things. If an investor has a question, they pick up the phone and they call their investor account manager and they have a direct line.” This is a differentiating experience for Auben, as most PM companies don’t offer a direct line of contact for investors. Auben employs a resident experience manager as well, which Vera touches on, noting the value it’s created for Auben. “We kind of went outside of the norm and we created the resident experience manager. So traditional property management, we’re focused on the investor. That’s our client. The resident pays rent. If you don’t pay rent, we’ll find someone else who can. We wanted to kind of think outside the box there and say ‘okay, the resident is important in investing because if we can decrease vacancy and reduce turnover and keep the residents happy, they’ll stay in our properties for long periods of time and ultimately increase the investor’s return as well.’” The innovative company structure used by Auben is a perfect example of creating a Triple Win. Auben has built itself around the importance of the resident and investor experience, and the satisfaction those parties receive as a result directly benefit Auben in the long-term. Experience is the key term there, as that's what property management companies need to start delivering to stay ahead of the curve in an evolving industry. Being part of the first wave of companies to transition their offerings from service to experience creates an opportunity to grow and thrive that isn't otherwise available in the SFR space, and that's the reasoning behind Auben's innovative pod system. Have you thought about implementing a Pod System in your PMC? Do you think it could work for you, too?

Calendar icon March 21, 2023

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What is the Triple Win Leadership Council? | RBP by Second Nature

Building an aligned future where every home is professionally managed. ‍ Disclaimer: Everything you see here is a living draft of the TWLC vision. This outline should be seen as a starting point, and we want to invite you to co-create what this really becomes. The initial TWLC commitment is for Phase 1 only. You can decide what your involvement looks like after July's In-Person Design Summit. ‍ WHO IS ON THE TRIPLE WIN LEADERSHIP COUNCIL? Trusted Property Managers. Key opinion leaders, entrepreneurs, and exceptional operators in the industry. Forward-thinking Leaders. Passionate about thinking differently, creatively, and pushing industry norms in innovative ways. Philosophically Aligned. Believers in the Triple Win approach, making property management better for residents, investors, and teams. WHAT ARE THE PURPOSE AND VISION? The Triple Win Leadership Council (TWLC) empowers property management professionals to build a future where every home is professionally managed, to the benefit of residents, investors, and teams. The TWLC will act as pioneers and stewards, so that the gap between outcomes and experiences professionals create is further distanced from those accidental landlords can create on their own. This makes professional management more attractive to more people and forces a choice instead of a comparison. Three guiding questions: - How do we build an experience so good, residents never want to leave? - How do we build an experience so good, investors never want to sell? - How do we build an experience so good, talent wants to grow in this industry? HOW WILL THE TWLC INFLUENCE CHANGE? The TWLC will set the "P.A.C.E." for positive, sustainable industry change through: - Shaping innovative Products - Spotlighting success with the Triple Win Property Management Awards - Co-creating conversation-inspiring Content - Transformational, connective Events CALENDAR & COMMITMENTS Phase 1: Formation DECEMBER 14, 2022: 60-MINUTE VIRTUAL KICK-OFF CALL FEBRUARY, 2023: 2-HR QUARTERLY STRATEGY SESSION MAY, 2023: 2-HR QUARTERLY STRATEGY SESSION JULY, 2023: IN-PERSON DESIGN SUMMIT (LOCATION TBD) Phase 2: Develop AUGUST, 2023: We will define this together. Phase 3: Scale To apply for TWLC Membership, click here. Apply Today If you would like further information or to ask questions directly, please contact: Laura MacMinn, Triple Win Event Coordinator, Second Nature Email:

Calendar icon November 17, 2022

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A CEO's Thoughts on the Evolution of the Property Management Industry

Keeping one eye down the road is critical in a changing industry. ‍ Matt Whitaker, CEO of Evernest, was kind enough to join us on The Triple Win podcast and share some interesting insights about the future of the property management industry. Whitaker has been a CEO since 2008 and has no shortage of experience managing a major player in the industry. His company is rapidly approaching 5,000 doors managed and now exists in 13 markets including Birmingham, Detroit, Nashville, and Atlanta. One of the topics of discussion between Whitaker and host Andrew Smallwood was the increasing polarization within the PM industry. Now, polarization as a word typically has a negative connotation to it, but it’s not necessarily a bad thing for the professional property manager in this case. ‍ Boutique vs. Scaled “I see the property management industry breaking into two worlds. I do believe there is still a place for the boutique manager in the future,” said Whitaker, who noted that some people may disagree with this assessment. But the personal relationships, nimbleness, and communication offered by a small-scale handful-of-doors property manager is hard for a large company to replicate. Not everything can be scaled efficiently and the value created by the smaller business’ ability to do those things well will continue to create opportunities for boutique property managers to thrive. “On the opposite end of that spectrum, I think there are going to be platform businesses that provide value to investors in other ways. So the boutique manager is the partner and the platform business, let’s call it, is going to provide an ecosystem of everything from property management, perhaps brokerage, perhaps maintenance, all these other verticals that are driving value for their clients.” Whitaker continued, “What I would be afraid of is getting caught somewhere in the middle, where you’ve got a big enough company that you don’t know all your clients, but you don’t have a big enough company that you can drive scale and give your clients and customers the benefit of that scale." Scale is certainly where Evernest is headed if it’s not already there, and Whitaker’s prediction is based largely on how companies like his and companies on the opposite side of the size spectrum create value for clients in two very different ways. This is the concept of differentiation, which is not achieved by the companies “in the middle.” Those companies are simply not going to be able to offer anything in the market that somebody else isn’t doing better. The spectrum Whitaker discusses can be warped to some degree, and some companies are attempting to do that by scaling aspects of the business, like personal relationships, that have not traditionally been scalable (see Auben Realty’s Pod System). But a general understanding of how a good property management company creates value for its investors and clients would lead you to the conclusion that, barring a major disruption, Whitaker’s polarization prediction is probably going to be right. “Begin with The End in Mind,” as Stephen Covey once said, is a concept that always applies in business, but is especially relevant now in the property management industry. Having a defined vision for your company can help you set meaningful goals and stick to them. Knowing what space in the industry you want to be occupying in five years can protect you from “getting caught somewhere in the middle.”

Calendar icon September 9, 2022

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A Sales Person's Review of Giftology by John Ruhlin

When I was first introduced to the book Giftology by John Ruhlin during a Second Nature sales kick-off a few years back, I didn’t really know what to expect. Andrew Smallwood and Scott Stollwerk wanted the team to read the book so that we could gain a better understanding of the impact of being intentional with gifting. I didn’t realize then how much this book would change me. Giftology is all about strategic and intentional gifting - gifting with a purpose. This book aims to change the way we look at giving gifts. Too often gifting is seen as something habitual and unintentional. But Giftology really provokes you to think about how we can turn a gift into not just something we give….but to really make it into a lasting moment. The book talks about strategic business gifting as well and how we can stop giving gifts to clients and prospects that are meaningless, have our logo on them, and have very little thought or intentionality behind them. The goal with strategic business gifting is to turn a prospect into an active loyalist. Meaning, they love your business so much that they’ll be a huge advocate for the business and will naturally talk about it with others without prompting. When I think back to Andrew’s introduction, I see exactly how Giftology fits with the way we do business at Second Nature. We are all about making a positive and lasting impact. We always ask ourselves how can we be better? How can we up our game and standards, and truly stand out from other organizations? Giftology fits in with each one of our core values at Second Nature. Relentlessly Resourceful: How can we be better at gifting? Especially at trade shows. Can we have intentional swag versus the standard items people typically grab and then forget about right away? Drama Free Zone: Giving a gift shouldn’t be about us…it should be about the recipient. How will they feel receiving something so thoughtful? Bias Towards Action: How can we use strategic gifting to not only gain clients but active loyalists? Performance Mindset: Strategic gifting helps close business. Humility In All That We Do: It takes a lot to truly take ourselves out of the gifting picture and learn about the recipient so that the gift serves its intended purpose. Integrity First: We need to think about the gift and thoughtfully consider what our purpose is for sending it. Will the recipient feel valued? Shatter the Status Quo: Nothing goes further with a client than a super thoughtful gift John Ruhlin’s book has really made me think about the ways I select and give impactful gifts, and has helped me to understand the true power of making a gift into a lasting moment. Have you read Giftology yet? Or have you received a gift that’s made an impact on you? Let me know what you think in the comments below!

Calendar icon May 19, 2022

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