Calendar icon June 28, 2023

Types of Tenant Issues and How to Deal With Them

Successfully managing rental properties is no small feat, especially when you consider the countless tenant problems that can arise. As a property manager, it's essential to approach these challenges not with a mindset of blame, but with a proactive and productive strategy aimed at fostering positive behaviors. 

Today we’ll explore the most common types of challenging situations with tenants, from late payments to lease violations, and offer practical solutions for each. 

By understanding these issues and how to address them effectively, property managers can create a harmonious living environment that benefits residents, investors, and the property management business, achieving the all-important Triple Win

Here’s how we’ve seen professional property managers approach difficult situations and turn them into wins.

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8 Types of Tenant Problems

Success for a property manager (PM) means creating and delivering the best experiences for 1) residents, 2) investors, and 3) property managers – a Triple Win. The Triple Win means finding solutions that benefit everyone. 

In that vein, some property managers approach resident issues as a behavior that can be changed. They ask, “What are the behaviors and habits that I want to prevent, and the ones that I want to encourage?” Often the root cause is addressable and the behavior changeable.

So, first, it’s important to identify those common problem behaviors and then learn how to prevent them.

Partial payments, late payments, and nonpayments

Can we get an amen? Late payment is probably the most common complaint among property managers since on-time rent payments are critical to managing your business. In aiming for a triple win, on-time payments are one of the top needs for property managers and investors.  

Residents may have any number of reasons why they might struggle to pay rent on time. Here are some of the most common reasons we’ve heard from PMs for why residents have late rent or unpaid rent:

  • The resident’s paycheck comes after the month’s rent is due. There are financial products coming to the industry that allow residents to split rent payments and pay back a third party before the month’s end for less than the cost of a late fee. Also, some PMs are providing financial literacy and education resources through partners like Operation Hope.
  • Residents are stuck sending checks in the mail. Most PMs are now leveraging tech platforms that can make payments easy-breezy. The issue may be more a matter of encouraging more residents to use it.
  • Some accounting platforms are tricky to use. The more convenient your accounting platform interface is, the more residents are likely to use it. 
  • It’s possible a resident had a large, unexpected medical bill or other expense. You can set up systems to help them stay in communication with you about payments and set up payment plans for late fees if they miss. Some PMs are even allowing residents to access their security deposits and switch to a monthly alternative instead.
  • It’s always possible that they simply don’t have the income to pay the rent. PMs know this is a risk, and many focus on implementing better financial tools for their resident screening process.

Property damage

Another common issue is rental property damage. Most residents take care of the property. After all, it’s where they live! But we’ve all seen residents whose footprint goes beyond normal wear and tear, whether it’s due to negligence, abuse, unapproved changes, or DIY projects gone wrong.

Again, we’ve learned from innovative property managers that the best approach is to proactively create an environment where residents are motivated to take great care of the property. They ask themselves: How do we make it easier to take care of the property than not?

Think of it as putting the cookies on the bottom shelf. How do PMs get this done? Often, through a resident benefits package (RBP). A resident benefits package rewards residents for taking care of the property. A good package includes things like air filter subscriptions, credit support, and great insurance.

After all, when changing air filters is as easy as opening the front door, it gets done more often. When getting proper insurance coverage is as easy as signing the lease, it means fewer residents fall out of compliance.

Lease violations

Lease violations put everyone at risk. Here are a couple of examples:

  • Unauthorized occupants and animals – i.e., people or pets that didn't go through the proper screening and approval process. Unexpected roommates or pets can become liability risks or cause revenue loss if the resident should be paying pet fees, etc.
  • HOA violations – i.e., breaking the agreements made with the homeowners association. Most single-family rentals are subject to some kind of HOA. Violations may relate to poor maintenance of the lawn, noise violations, or other "bad neighbor" behavior as the HOA codifies it. 

Illegal sublets

Subletting may fall under HOA violations or other issues.

One particularly controversial type of subleasing is Airbnb or other short-term rentals. Some cities and districts ban these kinds of rentals. Property managers are often experts on local regulations around rentals and help communicate local and state laws with their residents. A legal advisor also goes a long way toward helping build a clause in the lease agreement.

Excessive complaints

Reasonable complaints from residents help PMs stay on top of issues on their properties. Broken AC? They’ll let you know. Gas leak? You depend on them to tell you if something is amiss!

But there’s a flip side to resident complaints, too - unreasonable complaints. These are the phone calls that wake you up in the middle of the night over something you’ve already resolved. Or the complaint about something out of your control. Or maybe just incessant contact about little things that the resident could easily address themselves.

Maintenance issues

Maintenance issues are a frequent challenge for property managers. Whether it's a leaky faucet, a malfunctioning HVAC system, or more significant structural problems, addressing maintenance requests promptly is crucial for tenant satisfaction and property upkeep. Delays in handling these issues can lead to tenant frustration and potential property damage.

To manage maintenance issues effectively, establish a clear process for tenants to report any problems. Use a reliable online portal where residents can submit requests and track their status. Regularly scheduled maintenance checks can help prevent issues from becoming emergencies. Additionally, fostering good communication and ensuring tenants know what to expect can build trust and satisfaction.

Security deposit disputes

Security deposit disputes are a common source of tension between property managers and tenants. Disagreements often arise over the amount of the deposit to be returned, usually due to differing opinions on what constitutes normal wear and tear versus damage.

To minimize disputes, conduct thorough move-in and move-out inspections with detailed documentation, including photos and videos. Provide tenants with a clear list of guidelines on what’s considered normal wear and tear and what isn’t. Transparency and good communication are key to ensuring tenants understand the conditions under which deductions could be made. By being upfront and maintaining detailed records, you can reduce the likelihood of disputes and ensure a smoother transition when tenants move out.

Noise problems

Noise complaints are another frequent issue in property management. Excessive noise can disrupt the peace and quiet of neighbors, leading to dissatisfaction and conflicts. To handle noise problems, include clear noise policies in your lease agreements (such as quiet hours) and communicate these policies to all tenants upon move-in. 

Address complaints promptly by investigating the source and discussing the issue with the offending tenant. Additionally, consider implementing soundproofing measures in your properties to reduce noise transmission and create a more comfortable living environment for all residents.

How to Avoid Tenant Problems and Issues as a Property Manager

Before we talk about strategies to build good habits among your tenants, we’ll also touch on some practical tips to deal with difficult tenant issues– whether you’re looking to avoid the experience altogether or if you’re already facing major obstacles.

Ensure you have a robust applicant vetting process

Obviously, one of the best ways to deal with tenant difficulties is to avoid them in the first place. That might sound like a cheat of an answer, but any property manager will list this as one of the most important factors to success.

Every applicant should be given the same requirements in a tenant screening process, to avoid any discrimination and protect yourself, the applicant, and your investor. You should include a background check for criminal history and run credit checks into credit reports, proof of income, and references from past employers and if applicable, previous landlords. Make sure you're aware of tenant rights laws in your area and take care not to discriminate.

Keep written records of everything

Leaving a paper trail helps protect your job and your assets. If you’re a property manager, it helps build trust with the investors; if you’re an investor, it helps keep you legally protected and the trust of your other tenants.

Rent Increase Letter

Call law enforcement when dealing with lawbreakers 

Don’t try to deal with lawbreaking alone. Call police or community officers to help you deal with illegal activity.

Keep your leases updated and bring up details when needed

Make sure that you and your attorney are regularly updating the terms of your standard lease and rental agreements. This helps to avoid any legal issues or additional expenses. Reminding tenants of the details of the lease can help calm them down and establish clear boundaries around what they can and can‘t ask for.

Follow an eviction process if necessary

No one wants an eviction. But if your tenants are putting you and other residents at risk, or breaking the terms of the lease, it’s time to consider giving them an eviction notice. Start with a written notice. Make sure you consult with a legal advisor to avoid an eviction lawsuit. Be sure you understand local ordinances around eviction.

Stay familiar with local laws and regulations

And, of course, all property management companies should stay up-to-date with their local laws and regulations. These differ widely from city to city and state to state, and are critical to staying safe, avoiding penalties, and providing fair service to every tenant.

How to Turn Challenging Tenant Situations into Happy Residents

These are helpful tips, but I’m sure you’re all nodding along like, “Yes, but this is the bare minimum!” After all, these steps are reactive. The Triple Win mindset is proactive. In addition to following the best practices above, Triple Win PMs ask: How can we make the resident experience so good that they want to stay, pay, and play by the rules? 

Here are some of the best tips we’ve learned from years in the industry.

Resident benefits package

One of the most practical solutions we’ve seen is providing a robust Resident Benefits Package that delivers on what your residents need. 

Benefits are extremely important to residents in single-family properties. In fact, a recent study found that 22% of residents planned to move to a rental with more appealing amenities better suited to their needs than where they currently lived. PMs attract the right residents and encourage the best behaviors with amenities and benefits.

A resident benefits package can boost the resident experience and help influence resident behavior. The next tips can be included in an RBP or separated out on their own.

Create an incentive program that rewards residents for good habits like on-time payments

Our resident benefits include monthly rental rewards for residents who pay their rent on time. Property managers are also able to create custom incentives to reward on-time renewal decisions, prompt survey replies, and more. It's a rewards platform for residents, but an incentive platform for PMs. This is the definition of a triple win! 

Support residents in building credit

Credit-building tools are another incentive for residents to pay on time – but it goes even further by actively supporting residents in their financial stability. Our credit building program automatically reports on-time payments to the credit bureaus, which has increased resident scores by as much as 20-40+ points.

Provide easy-to-use tech tools to support their experience

An online portal can make everything easier – from paying rent on time, making timely maintenance requests, and checking important rental unit information. 

Build ease into property care tasks like air filter changes

PMs are increasingly ensuring that things like air filters are taken care of automatically. Our resident benefits package includes regular filter shipments, which reduce heating and cooling costs by up to 15% and reduce HVAC work orders by up to 38%.

Provide a move-in concierge

Make your job easier with a move-in concierge service included in your resident benefits package. Residents turn four phone calls into one, and get their utilities and home services set up at their new address conveniently. When it’s that easy, it gets done more often. When there’s an experienced person helping, it also eliminates more mistakes.

Provide failsafe insurance coverage

The master policy included in RBP allows property managers to submit damage claims directly and immediately. And over 95% of residents choose it due to the competitive pricing, coverage, and convenience of just signing their lease. Our insurance program turns 41% lease compliance into 100% compliance.

These are just a few examples of how property managers are using benefits to encourage the best resident behavior. 

In fact, at Second Nature, we built every feature based on feedback from professional PMs who have explored how to turn problems into a Triple Win experience. 

Why a Professional Property Manager is Critical To Manage Difficult Tenant Issues 

All of this is made possible with a professional property manager. What differentiates the pros from a “commodity property manager?" 

Commodity property management is built on the belief that property management is just a basic service of collecting rent and handling maintenance – a support function. This competitive approach is resigned to differentiating from old approaches by being a little bit cheaper. It’s a zero-sum game with winners and losers. And it leaves problem behaviors from residents unaddressed until after the fact.

Professional property managers are getting proactive about building Triple Win experiences, built on the belief that property management is positioned as a strategic function for creating value. It’s generative. More property managers are asking how to grow the pie, so everyone gets bigger slices, and everyone wins. By stacking aligned, experiential value over time, it creates business relationships residents, investors, and team members want to stay for.

How the SecondNature RBP Helps in Managing “Tenant Problems” and Making Residents Happy

In the end, even most inexperienced managers typically know what's supposed to happen – i.e., rent on time, change filters, maintain insurance, etc. 

But the best property managers know not just what’s supposed to happen, they know how to make it happen. There are all kinds of exciting innovative approaches out there, and professional property managers are leading the way. We believe it will be the dedicated, passionate professionals who innovate and solve old problems in new ways. 

Learn more about how Second Nature partners with professional PMs on Resident Services that drive Triple Win outcomes.

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Six Ways to Make Your Vacancy Stand Out on Zillow

Every property manager wants to minimize days on the market, and a great listing can be a critical component of accomplishing that goal. If you've spent any time looking at real estate listings, whether rentals or not, you've no doubt seen some well-done ones and ones that have five photos, three of which appear to have been taken for the TV show Hoarders. What makes a listing strong? If you're asking this question, you're off to a good start, and you're in the right place. Be thorough but concise Your listing should strike a balance between being thorough and concise, but it’s important to never leave out critical information that could lead to a negative experience down the road. First and foremost are any upfront fees, then things like pet rules, HOA considerations, and other relevancies that you don’t want a prospective resident to learn about later after they’re further into the process. Be concise about these so your property description doesn’t become too long, but be sure to include what a renter needs to know regarding costs in the application and move-in process. Take quality photos Photos are the golden goose when it comes to property listings. Quality, considerate photography will create stronger first impressions from potential renters. Fortunately, getting quality photos isn’t super difficult, it just takes some planning and forethought. You don’t need to stage your property. In fact, many property managers outright recommend against it. Photos of vacant, clean rooms are usually the way to go. They allow prospective renters to view their stuff and their layout in the photos, which can make them feel less like they’re looking at someone else’s home. Vacant rooms also tend to look bigger, and low angles with wide-angle lenses can add to this effect while showing the whole room. Cleanliness is next to godliness. Never post pictures with boxes, garbage around, open toilet seats in the bathroom, or anything that just doesn’t look inviting. Always open blinds and include window views from rooms when possible. You don’t need to hire professionals for these processes, but it can be worth investing in a quality camera to take nice photos. Again, this will be the first impression a renter has of your property. They’re not going to look twice if it looks small and uninviting. Don’t overdo the property description Be thoughtful of what goes into a property description and how you organize it. These things can get long, and if you’re a property manager, you’re keenly aware of the general public’s lack of interest in reading. A short, one-to-two-sentence description of the property will do for an opener, and you can follow that with bulleted lists of the property’s amenities. Lists are easily consumable and where the eyes of the reader will go first if they’ve decided to skim the description instead of reading through it. In addition to the features of the home, be sure to include nearby amenities in the listing. In single-family property management, schools and school districts tend to be important. Beyond that, nearby shopping areas, outdoor spaces and parks, and distance to highway access are things that property managers have found matter to prospective residents. Don’t list the property until it is move-in ready This is an easy one to check off, but making sure a home is fully ready for a resident before it gets listed is an advantageous process for property managers. You may be tempted to list it as fast as possible, but this has risks, and the theoretical shortening of time-to-revenue may end up backfiring if a great resident moves on because the home wasn't ready when they were. Renters aren’t always proactive. They tend to be looking for properties closer to their actual desired move date than maybe they should be. Listing a property before it’s move-in ready is a great way to create a negative experience if a quality resident seeks it out and it’s not ready when they want to move in. Include a floor plan Employing a third party to create floor plan drawings isn’t a super expensive or difficult undertaking, and it’s worth your while. A floor plan helps a renter understand how the house as a whole is set up, how they might use the space, and how their stuff fits in the home. There is inexpensive software that makes this process easy, or if you’re like most property managers and crunched for time, there are third parties available. This goes back to the idea of being thorough and clear in your listing. You don’t need 100 photos of the home, but you want to tell the whole story of the house as concisely as possible. A floor plan can help you do that. Think outside the box Ask yourself how you can make your listing unique. Checking all the boxes that make a quality listing is step one, but once you’re comfortable with that, you can ask yourself how to be a little bit different and stand out in the sea of property listings. While not a property manager, Trent Miller has developed a viral video series that blends content marketing with property listing strategies. He calls it the speed tour, and it is exactly what it sounds like. @trent_miller__ It's Time For Another SPEED TOUR‼️💨 Thank you guys for all the love and support!! More videos coming soon! Looking To Buy Or Sell Real Estate?? DM ME‼️🏡 ~Price Is Estimated Down Payment~ #realestate #homesforsale #RealEstate #HomeForSale #RealtorLife #DreamHome #Property #HouseHunting #NewListing #ForSale #HomeSweetHome #InvestmentProperty #OpenHouse #LuxuryLiving #HomeBuyer #HomeDecor #HouseGoals #BuyersMarket #SellingHomes #Homeownership #RealEstateAgent #speedtour ♬ original sound - trent_miller__ Garcia Property Management adds colorful overlays to the cover photos for their listings. They don't do this for every photo, so they're still following general best practices for their photo sets for each property, but also trying to stand out within the listings thanks to some color.

Calendar icon August 23, 2024

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Three Property Management Companies that are Winning on Social Media

How would you say your social media marketing is performing? As a constantly changing medium beholden to trends that can peak and die in a heartbeat, it can be a tough area to win. Truthfully though, it's underused in the property management space. Content creation for social media doesn't have to be super intense, and it doesn't have to be super polished. It just has to have intent and understanding of who you're marketing to. If you're looking to develop a more robust social media program for your PMC, you're in the right place. Here we break down three companies with three distinct strategies, all of which are unique in the PM space. These companies are crushing it, and learning from their successes can help you develop a strategy that works for you. Home Ladder Home Ladder’s “Chaos and Disorder” video series is a hit and a great example of creativity that can sometimes be lacking in property management marketing. Co-founders Travis Bohling and Brandon Graham are among the most creative content marketers in the property management space. While they may be relatively new to the content side of things (Chaos and Disorder is less than a year old), they've hit the ground running with a unique video series that's both relevant and genuinely entertaining in addition to leaning hard into Facebook reels. Short video content has been trending up in social media marketing since the rise of TikTok, although it's not heavily used in the SFR property management space. Home Ladder has taken this on with sets of short, straight-to-the-point thought-leadership content. The Chaos and Disorder video series is really fun, though. Home Ladder is starting to spearhead a creative approach to content marketing that the industry could really use more of. The idea here is really to engage the inability of self-managers to be effective tenant screeners, and they've told this story with two destructive characters affably named Chaos and Disorder. A constant battle in professional property management is trying to keep ahead of the self-managing landlord as self-management tech expands their capacity. Home Ladder is keyed in on that messaging here as a play to position their professional services as more reliable and thorough, and they've done it in a way that's genuinely entertaining and relatable to anyone who has ever had a bad tenant, which is anyone who has ever managed a property. RL Property Management RL Property Management CEO Peter Lohmann is crushing it on Twitter. Executives being active in the content creation space can be a big win for companies, and RL Property Management’s Peter Lohmann is a prime example. While this is a popular LinkedIn approach, Lohmann is one of very few who has taken ownership of the property management discussion on Twitter. A tougher nut to crack than Facebook and LinkedIn, Lohmann has found success and amassed over 21,000 followers via a content strategy that seamlessly blends an authentic connection to the property management space with expertise Lohmann has acquired over years in the industry. The word relatability gets thrown around a lot when it comes to any kind of content-based marketing, but being relatable isn’t a goal so much as a strategy. The power of relatability is that it establishes trust, a challenging thing to create in many online spaces. If you can establish a familiarity with what affects the people you’re speaking to on a daily basis, that establishes a trust that helps build interest in what you have to say. Lohmann’s 21K follower count didn’t come purely from expository property management tips. There's a relatability to his content that helps create that trust, which adds value to his thought-leadership content. He’s naturally an authentic person and a master communicator, and while the expertise is valuable, that lies downstream of a personal connection to other industry professionals. Property management in a nutshell: Owners with 40 units: "call me if it burns down" Owners with 1 duplex: "why did you pay $45 to cut grass? My guy only charges $30 please call me asap" — Peter Lohmann (@pslohmann) March 11, 2024 When Lohmann does get into thought-leadership content, he's an open book, which also helps establish trust. Lohmann, like many leading property managers, believes that propelling the whole industry forward is more important than holding any kind of trade secrets. He does not shy away from granular details of his company, including sharing the what and why of his entire tech stack. Cheat code for starting & growing a property management business. This is a complete list of our software stack. This is how the magic happens & how we can calmly and effectively manage ~600 units. — Peter Lohmann (@pslohmann) December 23, 2021 Grace Property Management Marc Cunningham is the YouTube king. Cunningham has been in property management for over 30 years, and his YouTube strategy is arguably the best in the game. The CEO of Grace Property Management is approaching 5,000 YouTube subscribers. Part of the value of Cunningham's channel is that you know exactly what you're going to get when you go there. His content is built with a very consistent format and length. He has over 100 videos, almost all of which are between five and ten minutes long, and address a very specific issue or question in single-family property management. Cunningham's approach is expert-forward, demonstrating that there is more than one way to win in social media and property management marketing. He provides a combination of content that addresses specific questions and issues in the PM space and offers windows into his own operations and the decisions he's made. His channel's most popular videos, often having thousands of views, cover management topics like how to explain a rent increase to a resident and why you should never charge a pet deposit as well as industry trends like average rent trends and predictions for the coming years. Because YouTube content is indexed by Google, Cunningham's strategy is built more around capturing search engine traffic than the above two strategies. It's self-sustaining to a degree now because of the size of Cunningham's following, but YouTube is an excellent way to capture search traffic, something Cunningham has leveraged well.

Calendar icon August 15, 2024

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